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CybelePress ​  Scientific publishing

Guidelines for Reviewers

All manuscripts submitted to CybelePress journals undergo double blind peer review.

Peer reviewers should provide an objective critical evaluation of the paper in the broadest terms practicable. Reviewers need to make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief by deciding on a rank between 1-4, where 1 is acceptance without modification and 4 is rejection.

You should also indicate if the manuscript requires its English or French grammar, punctuation or spelling to be corrected.

Your report must contain a recommendation and a description of your reasons for that recommendation. If you believe the paper needs changes to be made before it is acceptable, please make suggestions on how to improve the paper. Likewise if you feel that a paper is not good enough and has no real prospects of being improved sufficiently to be published you should recommend rejection.

We request that you provide your input via email to the editor in chief within 21 days. The invitation sent to you provides a date when we require to have received your comments.

You may not undertake a peer review on a submission if you are unable to do so objectively.​

All potential conflict of interest in the review process must be declared to the editor in chief of the journal considered.